
Cbf.putting my ipad on charge but it needs to be

I have crossed the bridge and sat on this bench for ages. I'm waiting for them and then I spat on my own shoe. I woke up to my buddies today after a water works right. I'm wondering where its at, when its at, how its at, if its at, blag its at, mahg its at. I am at the cross roads of new year and the renaissance. I've got to print out my miffy calender from my beloved before time gets out from beneth my skirt! I apologies for not writing more, i'm waiting for J to come back and help me, I'm gonna clean for him too. Till next time-

Need to refabricate website.
Delete instgram today- need to notice.
Keep a chicken from sinking

I havenothing else to say but; Good riddance popSWap.


Is it the lovely fresh sea air that made me read, stretch, hang up 3 loads of washing, vaccum and clean the kitchen and lounge and fix some shoes? I really think it is. Maybe its also the 1st of October,,, its the 30th of September somewhere! I'm excited for Jared to make lime and coke. I'm excited to be in the sun. Tomorrow I will play soccer in a park with Ari- I'm so excited! I'm headed into the city soon for an unknown fate! Maybe I'll emerge with a black cardigan- I sont know. Also, Jared's website is looking super great- click . Going through my website feels like going in and out of a mincraft house through the door instead of doing a shortcut.

A soup of time, of well wishes, of walkings and talkings, of crunchy breakfasts and hot drinks, of lovely affections and confections. My dreamland is made of icecream and likeminded dwellers sitting on totoro's tummy. This week I got up to a little mischief and a little reconciliation of such. As all blisses it was ephemeral and now i'm back in the bath. IM AT THE TERMINAL- was their ever such a morbid place? It's exciting to feel sad and it's exciting to feel happy. I've been blessed and reminded that I've been blessed, my blessings to others have shown blessings in return, and their blessings are blessings to me now. How can I conceal it? I'm wearing a Mr.Happy shirt right now and thinking about my loves- but my eyes are tiered from being happy and crying and it's great in it's own way. I want to go home and watch silly movie and sedate myself within it! What fun! I love doing it, I love making shoes and I love being in love even when it hurts, I love reading books and reinacting Shakespeare, I love my seed patch and I love clothes even though I know I shouldn't buy anymore, I love ketchup and pepper, I love frozen yogurt and I love a busy city, I also love a quiet town, I love creme brulee beer from Lobethal bierhaus and Strawberry Sour from Moonburn, I love golden wattle and I love long walks, I love being on top of a hill with Jared and burping, I love jokes among other things.

Listening to Christmas music- doing website stuff. Ah- paradise...

As I wason my cherrie way to a delicious destiny when I was haulted by the dogs of hell, the rotweilers of a childrens playground, the fucking vulchers of a greenland. It wasen't that big of a deal however when I discovered my ticket was already in it's prime:::::: My bottom lip jumped off a clif.
- In other news:
- Had a great catch up with Jas.J today and spoke about a really great number of things- in particular her course on magic at VCA! wow i Can';t believe they offer this- makes me think first about duh magic is dumb (in the pulling cat out of the hat, levitating type that I assumed), and then I thought of all the people at Melb Uni who are going to be like how absurd they teaching 'Magic' at the art school- but then I thought Hm. I discount magic because it goes against every logistical premise of science- but is it maybe that i don't know enough about true magic to really discount it for what it is. Makes me think alot about when i was learing about Hume and his ideas around causation and connection of impressions. What do I really know!
- Also had mega great frozen yogurt with Flora

My radish and rocket seeds have sprouted! I'm so happy! Hello work computer. I went for a wlak in the dark but the birds were asleep so I wasen't scared they woudl swoop. The nature of the night! Raise your hand if you think my wesbite is lolita style...............................

Jared showing me how to do html and CSS stuff.... :))


What will I be writing here I wonder? I'm not sure- I suppose it will be a garden of all thoughts- all earthly delights! :D- I'm hoping to ween off instagram and champion my instagram posting addiction. Maybe posting here will be more thoughtful and meaningful as it's quite a process to actually post something (as I'm still learing). I will though, exclusivly post fashion related stuff on my page. Today I bought an 5 items; Muji pants, Muji white cap tshirt, Muji grey button up cardigan, stripy undies and this month's issue of 'New Philosopher'. I am really gleaming with all my new things but I had a goal of only buying five clothing items a month and I have already exceeded this. I cracked open the 'New Philosopher' magazine and was pleased to read a great article about the importance of a healthy body and mind> it referenced Nietzche's tendendency to go out on 6 hour walks each day with a mere book and pen- excerise in relation to mental health is often a didactic topic but this was a really intresting read. Solitude, community, walks, running, leaping, chasing food, goals, humanity, long coats and LOLITA STYLE! Wow I came across a great neocities website which had a really cute subpage on lolita style- will check it out later. Can;t wait to read some of the articles to Jared when I go to Adelaide. I'm going to go on a walk soon.

Hello! Thank you Jared for helping me accomplish my coding dreams--- I love CSS and HTML and that you have helped me. You are a hgreat catch!!!!!! I love yoU!!!!